Ecodosing - Effective Biofouling Control
Increased reliability of cooling water systems at lower OPEX
The site-specific biocide dosing solution, 'Ecodosing', targets biofouling in once-through and open recirculation cooling water systems and prevents both macrofouling (shells) and microfouling (biofilms). The Ecodosing solution is delivered in combination with a monitoring system that can detect the onset of biofouling in an early stage and with high accuracy. The total solution will maintain the integrity of the cooling water system, thereby significantly increasing the uptime of the oil & gas processes it supports, while lowering the OPEX related to biocide dosing.
The solution has been successfully implemented since 1998 mostly in Europe and the Middle East with clients in the oil & gas industry, power industry, and desalination industry. Operators that have deployed the technology have seen reductions in cooling water system leak frequencies as high as from 20/yr to zero/yr.
Specification Title | Specification Description |
The solution is based on accurate site-specific conditions like species and seasonal changes.
Areas of Application
Industrial cooling water systems.
Reduced biofouling leads to higher production capacity (debottlenecking).
The solution is developed in collaboration with site staff, chemical suppliers and local experts.
Increased system reliability (uptime): 10-30%.
Implementation time
Implementation can be within 3 months.
The biomonitors provide real-time insight in the effectiveness of the (current) dosing method.
Reduce maintenance as cooling water system stays clean (extended inspection intervals).
OPEX can be significantly reduced (€500k per year - €1M per day).
Return on Investment
The average payback time of the ecodosing solution is 3 months – 1 year.
Reviews (1)
The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) indicates the maturity level of novel technologies. Learn more about the TRL scale used by us.
Relative Business Impact

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