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Deployed by 4 companies

Energy Management System with Energy Optimization

Page last modified
April 27 2024

WattMaestro is an IoT-enabled smart solar energy optimizer developed by EVALAN. It utilizes cloud-based software to optimize energy usage and to minimize costs by taking advantage of changing prices. As the price of elctricity changes throughout the day, control signals are sent to the gateway which can adjust inverter settings. The application can also be used to manage the power output of the site, to ensure it does not exceed the allowed limits, though automatic load balancing. Other functions are peak shaving and battery optimization. The cloud dashboard provides monitoring, analysis and control capabilities . Operators can view real-time and historical sensor data, receive alerts, and remotely adjust system parameters. By optimizing energy production, WattMaestro reduces the day-to-day operating costs.

Pros & Limitations
Maximizes solar energy yields
Optimizes energy usage
Revolutionizes renewable energy management
Utilizes IoT technology
Specification Title Specification Description
Solar inverter, Sensors, IoT gateway, Cloud platform
Increased efficiency, Lower energy costs, Optimized renewable energy
Detailed insights into the individual energy users and the overall energy performance of a site


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Evalan is an experienced provider of Solutions for Remote Monitoring, SCADA and IoT. This includes Out-Of-The-Box Solutions for Monitoring of Energy Systems like Solar Power Installations and Energy Optimization for Battery Systems. Evalan provides instant connection of Assets to the Cloud with its BACE IoT Platform and an Energy Management System through its WattMaestro Platform.  

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