Argentina is a country that benefits from considerable energy resources, both renewable and non-renewable.
Renewable energies received relevant investments in the past 4 years, mainly due to public tenders, which increased the participation to 10% of the energy matrix, with main focus on wind and solar farms. Hydroelectricity is the third-largest primary energy source. The country is also one the main international players in biofuels production, especially bio-diesel, with Europe and the US as the main destination markets.
Nevertheless, 85% of the country’s energy matrix is still originated from oil & gas. One of the reasons is that Argentina, according to the EIA, has the second largest shale gas reserves and fourth largest shale oil reserves in the world, in a region called Vaca Muerta. Many important international players are already present in the field, including Shell. The current government has announced that efforts during the next years will be re-focused on developing Vaca Muerta to ensure the country's energy self-sufficiency and increase energy exports. Interesting business opportunities may arise in this sector. The Netherlands diplomatic network in Buenos Aires is eager to support you. If you have any queries related to the energy sector, please contact us at: [email protected]