
China has the world’s largest power market, China ranks first globally in terms of coal-fired, hydro, wind, and solar power capacity, and the country is also the third largest nuclear power economy after the United States and France.

With the increasing energy consumption, energy transition to renewable energy, reduce CO2 emission, reforming power market, reforming gas/LNG market, developing more renewable energy are happening all together in China.

China announced in 2020 that the country would reach peak carbon emissions by 2030 and be carbon neutral by 2060. To reach this goal, more use of sustainable energy and higher energy efficiency are high on the Chinese political agenda. This opens up more opportunities for wind, solar, offshore wind, energy storage, hydrogen, CCS technology and bio-energy to increase its share in the energy mix.

With this platform we aim to promote and support collaboration between Dutch companies and partners in China. On this website you will be able to find technologies provided by Dutch companies that are applicable to the Chinese energy market. You can use filters to see an overview or catalogue of technological solutions applicable to your business.

The Netherlands diplomatic network in China consists of the embassies in Beijing, the Consulates General in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hongkong and Chongqing, including Netherlands Business Support Offices in Chengdu, Dalian, Jinan, Qingdao, Nanjing and Wuhan.

If you have any queries about the energy sector, please email us at [email protected]